Spring 2023 Season Updates!
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Spring 2023 Season Updates!

Published by FT Softball
Dec 30, 2023
Greetings FT Softball Families!
I would like to thank all of our incredible softball families for choosing FT Softball this spring! We are SO excited for games to begin!!
I will be at the fields each day this week to pass out uniforms to coaches during their practice time. Coaches will receive a list with player sizes and jersey numbers, so please don't ask your coach for a specific number! If you would like to swap jerseys with a teammate, you may do so after they have been distributed (and with the permission of both sets of parents/guardians :)). You will receive a jersey and matching socks. Players will wear their own softball pants for games. Pants should be black, unless your coach indicated another specific color. During cold weather, please bundle your child up UNDER their jersey so the team and player number are still visible. See league rules for specific attire requirements.
A few changes to note regarding practices after games begin:
  • 6U teams will no longer hold practice. The 2 games per week will take the place of practice. 
  • ALL teams will be dropping their weekend practices. We are using the fields each Saturday for games, and another softball league uses the fields on Sunday's. 
  • Since we will continue to gain daylight hours as we head into the season, 8U, 10U, & 13U practice times will shift to 5:30-7:00 & 7:00-8:30.
  • I've attempted to keep as many weekday practices as possible from changing, but a few 8U and 10U teams will be adjusting their schedules to accommodate weekday games. All changes are listed below. If you do not see your team listed, your weekday practice day and time will remain the same (other than the time shift mentioned above):
  8U Columbia-Lentz: 5:30-7:00 Monday; Field 2
  8U Hunter-Rushton: 7:00-8:30 Monday; Field 2
  8U Orange-Ellis: 7:00-8:30 Monday, Field 3
10U Hunter-Schilling: 7:00-8:30 Tuesday, Field 3 (field change only)
Game schedules were sent to coaches and posted to the website a couple of weeks ago. Due to the increased number of players this season, we changed the 10U schedule to consist of doubleheaders on Saturday's rather than one weekday and one weekend game. This allows each team to keep a weekday practice. Another minor change is moving the 13U tournament from Saturday, May 21 to Sunday, May 22 due to the 8th grade King's Island trip for band members. If you have any questions about the schedule, please let me know!
If your family has been involved in any spring sport, you understand the spring weather beast. A few sports are able to play through rain, however softball fields quickly become dangerous once the rain begins to soak into the infield. Light rain will be monitored, heavy rain will cause games to be cancelled. For severe weather, a delay will be called if there is thunder or a lightning strike. Players and spectators will need to quickly move to their vehicles, and games may resume 30 minutes after the last weather event. If the forecast indicates a longer line of storms, games will be cancelled. When games are cancelled due to weather, text messages will be sent to coaches, and a message to all families will be sent through the Sportsplus app (see below). We will do our absolute best to reschedule games, even if they take the place of a practice. Please be patient as make-up games are scheduled!
This season, we are asking each team playing on Fields 2, 3, and 4 to take one shift in the concession stand. Each team will need at least 3 volunteers for their shift. Training will be provided, there will be instructions posted inside the concession stand, and there is a 15 minute layover between each shift to ensure everyone is comfortable with the tasks before the prior shift leaves. Each volunteer may use up to $10 in concessions credit during their shift. These items will be tracked in the payment system to ensure proper inventory tracking, but payment will be over-ridden. 6U and 8U shifts are either prior to, or after a scheduled game for your team, and 10U shifts occur on Tuesday evenings to avoid being at the field all day on Saturday's since the teams are playing double headers. The schedule is attached to this email. I will be sending a signup genius link where you can sign up to volunteer. 

As you've most likely noticed, we began utilizing new sports management software this season. This includes the website, registration, scheduling, team standings, and there is also an app available for download. The app is called "Sportsplus" with the below logo:
Once you have downloaded the app, it will ask for your username and password. You will use the same username and password that you created for registration this season. I have started by building all the teams and schedules into the app, and it can also be used for team communication. There are many other functions that we will continue to learn and utilize, and the goal is to eventually use the app for all communication.
Picture day is scheduled for Saturday, May 7. Coaches will receive order forms and arrival times prior to this date. All players will participate in the team picture, and individual pictures will be offered as well.
League and age group rules for 6U-10U are attached. 13U will continue to follow USSSA rules and guidelines. Please review the rules and let your coach know if you have any questions.
Our zero tolerance policy is also attached. We are very fortunate to have an outstanding group of experienced umpires, however umpires are human and make mistakes. Bad calls happen, even in professional sports. Pointing out a bad call will only upset the umpire, coaches, and players, as well as possibly delay the game. Speaking to, asking questions of, or any other engagement with an umpire by spectators is absolutely prohibited. If you have a concern regarding something that occurred during a game that you feel needs to be addressed, please send an email to ftsoftball@gmail.com.
I would like to remind our families that our kids are playing recreational softball. Winning is fun for everyone, but more importantly, we want to model good behavior for our children regardless of the outcome. The kids are all here to learn the fundamentals of softball, but more importantly to build character, friendships, and to have fun! Please help us reach our goal of growing young girls' confidence, sportsmanship, and passion for fitness and sports. We want our fields to be a fun and positive atmosphere, and for our girls to be excited to come to each practice and game. This is our most important mission, and we are working hard to bring about changes that shift the culture of our recreational program. We thank you for doing your part as a coach, parent, grandparent, relative, or friend to provide lasting memories for each one of our players!
Opening Day will take place Saturday, April 16. We are working to bring back the excitement of Opening Day beginning this season! With Easter Day occuring on Sunday, we will have an Easter theme this year! 
  • The Easter bunny will be present and available for pictures the entire day! (We ask that you bring your own phone or camera, as we will not be taking and distributing individual pictures.)
  • At the conclusion of their game, each player will have an opportunity to search in the grassy area between the fields and the WELC parking lot for an Easter egg with their name on it! Once they find the egg, they will take it to the prize table and exchange it for a softball prize of their choice and a piece of candy! (This is not an actual Easter egg hunt, as there will be one egg for each player, but if siblings would like to accompany the player to the prize table, they can choose a piece of candy :))
  • There will be a bounce house courtesy of Bounce with Me!
  • Face painting will be available!
  • Aw'Sum Snoballs Food Truck will be at the fields between 10:00-12:00!
We can't wait for Saturday, and hope that it is a fun and memorable day for all of our families! Thank you again for supporting our league and for being positive role models to each of our players!
Alison Martin
President, Franklin Township Softball

Franklin Township Girls Softball League